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Stephen Ministry

In John 16:33 Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble.” Our troubles may come as losses, job changes, physical or mental illness in self or a loved one, or just an accumulation of a lot of smaller stressors.  In that same verse Jesus also says he will give us peace. That peace can often be felt by spending time with a trusted Christian friend, because verbalizing our cares and feelings can help us gain perspective.


If you are going through a stressful time, a Stephen Minister would be glad to come alongside and be that trustworthy Christian friend for you. Please reach out to Ann Guerra or Phil Wetz, or call the church office: Ph. 713-467-2234 to learn more and to be paired with a Stephen Minister.


In addition, if you would like to discuss suggestions for organizations to explore working with in the areas of grief support; dealing with dementia; addiction counseling; issues related to aging; hospice care; or divorce care, feel free to reach out to Ann or Phil or call the church office.

Pines Presbyterian Church

12751 Kimberley Lane, Houston, Texas 77024
Ph. 713.467.2234

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