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Morning Worship


At Pines, worship is the heart of our life together. It’s a place and time for being with God and for connecting with one another. We hear God’s Word to us, are nourished at God’s table, offer back to God our prayers, praises and blessings and connect with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. 



Pines offers a worship service each Sunday morning, at 10:45 a.m. in our Sanctuary. 

Our worship service is traditional with some modern elements and is accompanied by organ and piano. Inspiring, real-life, Biblically grounded sermons from our pastors open the Word of God for us while lively contributions from our choir, orchestra, bell choir – all volunteer musicians – help enhance our time of worship. 

Sunday School for all ages meets at 9:15 a.m. 



The Children’s Message during the service is an opportunity for Children ages 4 years to 4th grade are welcomed to attend Children’s Church, following the Children’s Message.



The Lord's Supper/Communion  

Regularly celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Our juice and bread is gluten friendly.



Ushers, greeters, pastors and child care workers are here to help you and your family feel comfortable at Pines.


Need Assistance? 
Large print hymnals, Bibles, and assisted hearing devices are available in the Narthex/Lobby should you need them. Please ask an Usher for assistance.


Coffee Fellowship: All are welcome to come, enjoy some refreshments and connect with friends new and old. Coffee Fellowship is held in the Fellowship Hall from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.








Pines Presbyterian Church

12751 Kimberley Lane, Houston, Texas 77024
Ph. 713.467.2234

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